
Eurydice - Information on Education Systems and Policies in Europe

The Eurydice Network provides information on and analyses of European education systems and policies. As from 2011 it consists of 37 national units based in all 33 countries participating in the EU's Lifelong Learning programme (EU Member States, EFTA countries, Croatia and Turkey). It is co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels, which drafts its studies and provides a range of online resources.

Structure of European education systems 2010/11: schematic diagrams:


The study Teaching Reading in Europe: Contexts, Policies and Practices, published on July 11 2011, shows what countries are doing to improve reading literacy – and where they are falling short.
Full version: en
Highlights: de en es fr  it

More about Eurydice here.

Vila do Conde

Land of sea and light, light and haze, tradition and future.Monuments and museums.Squares and gardens.Popular festivities and thematic festivals.Shipbuilding and bobbin lace work.Fish, shellfish and conventual sweets.Cultural animation.VILA DO CONDE is a ship of light and stone navigated by people made of sea.

For Ruy Belo, Vila do Conde is “the place where heart hides”,
José Régio sang it “spread among pine-woods, river and sea”
And Antero wrote “it is beautiful here, with its noble and rural air, and leaves us in a placid and soft disposition”.
Millennial land, full of traditions and rich in natural beauty; a notable collection of monuments representing the various époques, with its outstanding sixteenth-century nucleus;
river and sea with 18 km of peaceful and fine sand beaches;
the delicate bobbin lace work;
a vast array of museums and prestigious events like the International Festival of Short Films, Courses of Musical Improvement, the National Handicraft Fair or the Gastronomy Fair.
That’s Vila do Conde, noble, hospitable and beautiful!

For more information, please click here.



Welcome to the Sudy Visit "School Libraries - Reading and Literacies"!

Dear all!

We would like to invite you to participate in this blog about the work of some European school libraries. Here you can share good practices, useful links and general knowledge about school libraries.
We are looking forward to meeting you next Autumn in Vila do Conde, Portugal!
Até breve,
Rosa e Maria